Sauce Mornay

A basic cheese sauce



[for cheese]



  1. Heat milk and salt just to boiling in a small saucepan.
  2. Melt butter in larger saucepan over low heat.
  3. Blend in flour and cook slowly until butter and flour froth together for 2 minutes without coloring. This is now a white roux.
  4. Remove roux from heat. As soon as roux has stopped bubbling, pour in all the hot liquid at once. Immediately beat vigorously with a wire whip, gathering in all bits of roux from the inside edges of the pan.
  5. Set saucepan over moderately high heat and stir with the wire whip until the sauce comes to the boil. Boil for one minute, stirring.


  1. Remove from heat, and beat in the cheese until it has melted and blended with the sauce.
  2. Season to taste with salt, pepper, nutmeg, and optional pinch of cayenne.


When used for mac and cheese, this is enough for 500g of macaroni.

If sauce is lumpy: Force the sauce through a very fine sieve OR put in electric blender. Either way simmer for 5 minutes.

If sauce is too thick: Bring to a simmer, then thin out with milk, cream, or stock a tablespoon at a time.

If sauce is too thin: Boil down over moderately high heat, stirring continuously.

Source: Mastering the Art of French Cooking