Hot Chocolate



  1. Put the cocoa powder in a mug.
  2. Heat the honey and milk (on a low or medium-low setting) until very hot.
  3. Pour the slightest amount onto the chocolate powder and stir to make a paste.
  4. Now add a little more and temper it into the milk.
  5. Pour the chocolate milk into the mug.


You can easily scale this recipe up to accomodate the number of people in your household.

I got this recipe from the French Food at Home cooking show hosted by Laura Calder, and it quickly became a family favorite. In fact, my children refer to it as “Dad’s special hot chocolate”.

I really like the Azteca brand cocoa powder with it’s cinnamon and chili components, though near Christmas I just use a regular cocoa powder and serve it up with a mint candy cane.